Alle Amateur-Pornos für tag findom (532)
Broke For My Pussy
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 09.03.2025 veröffentlichtYou're finally mine to play with. You've been begging to serve me, to surrender your pitiful finances to my superior goddess hood. And now, you'll get your wish. You'll ruin yourself, empty your accounts, and beg for more. The thought of financial destruction turns you on, doesn't it, slave? The idea of living on the streets, homeless and broke, for my pussy, is your ultimate fantasy.
Dedication To My Will
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 09.03.2025 veröffentlichtShow me your devotion, my little plaything. My lust, my shiny pussy is all about rein******* your place at my feet and your dedication to my will. You will follow each task to the letter, and in doing so, you will find yourself closer to the ultimate essence of your submission. Remember, I am your Mistress Nika, your Goddess, and your every action will be in service to me.
Satin Ass Temptress
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 08.03.2025 veröffentlichtYou're so lucky to be in my presence, worshiping my heavenly goddess satin ass. You know, I've been thinking... it's time for you to learn a thing or two about obedience, and what better way to do that than by worshiping the most magnificent creation in the universe - my satin ass?
Little Pathetic Cumslut
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 07.03.2025 veröffentlichtyou pathetic little cumslut. I've been waiting to see just how desperate you are to stroke that tiny dick of yours. You think you're a real man, don't you? But we both know the truth, deep down inside, you're nothing but a loser with a chronic masturbation addiction. Your hand is the only thing that's ever touched your cock with any sort of regularity, and that's just sad.
My Absolute Control Over You
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 07.03.2025 veröffentlichtI can see the desire in your eyes. You want to please me, to obey me, to surrender to my every command. And that's exactly what you'll do.
My Financial Bitch
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 06.03.2025 veröffentlichtYou're going to be my financial bitch, my paypig, my money maker. You'll work tirelessly to earn more, to make sure my bank account is always overflowing with cash. And don't even think about questioning my authority or trying to resist. You're mine now, and you'll do as you're told.
Addicted Gooner For My Pussy
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 06.03.2025 veröffentlichtThis clip will serve as a reminder of my pussy control and dominance over you slave, over your mind, body and soul, no matter how far we are or how close. My satin pussy control over you will be only amplified as you watch this clip.Clearly, my voice and my image got such an influence over you already. That you are so lost without my satin pussy anyway.You know, wherever you are, you are always under my supervision
Devoted To My Wet Pussy
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 04.03.2025 veröffentlichtYou kneel before me, a submissive slave, eager to worship my wet perfect pussy. Your eyes are fixed on pink pussy and the addictive scent of my femininity. Oh yes, my dear slave, I can see the hunger in your eyes. You crave to lick my pussy juice. You're a panty addicted pussy worshiper, and I'm your one true Mistress who will satisfy your deepest desires.
Pleite für Göttin Nika
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 01.03.2025 veröffentlichtPleite zu sein ist kein Problem – es ist Ihr Ziel. Jeder Dollar, jeder Cent gehört der Göttin Nika. Du wirst alles opfern und dein Bankkonto aufbrauchen, bis nichts mehr übrig ist, nur um deine Hingabe zu beweisen. Machen Sie sich bereit, alles aufzugeben, denn nur wenn Sie pleite sind, werden Sie für mich jemals vollständig sein.
I Own Your Own
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 25.02.2025 veröffentlichtYou have absolutely no control when it comes to spending on Me! You are such an owned little bitch and you can never say no to Me! Stare at the body that owns your life and your wallet as you stroke devoutly for Your Goddess.
Get On Your Knees And Send
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 24.02.2025 veröffentlichtYou are nothing but a kneeling pussy worshipper. You dream, wish and chase through your entire life to try to obtain my perfect pussy. Come get on your knees and pay my pussy, your God, the way you should. Come beg, pay and goon you fucking loser.
Wichssteuer ist fällig!
- Amateur: Abby-Strange am 23.02.2025 veröffentlichtDu nutzloser, kleiner Loser weißt ganz genau, was Phase ist – es wird Zeit für deine Wichssteuer! Ich sehe doch, dass du sabbernd vor meinen Videos sitzt, meinen wunderschönen, drallen Körper angeiferst und deinen kleinen Pimmel dazu wichst. Zeit, zu blechen. Her mit der Wichssteuer!
Lose Yourself Completely
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 20.02.2025 veröffentlichtYou thought you could resist, didn’t you? That you were doing better, that you had control over yourself? And yet, here you are again—pathetically booking an emergency session because you need me, my wet pussy. You need this juice, you crave to lick it You’ll whimper, you’ll stroke,you'll will worship,you’ll lose yourself completely—just like always. And when I’ve milked every last ounce of control out of you, I’ll send you away, ruined and desperate for more.
Mesmerized To Pay Me
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 19.02.2025 veröffentlichtBuying My clips is a reflex for you. You aren't even aware of it happening. And that's because you are programmed - Mesmerized - to pay Me. I've gone into your mind and rewired things a bit. I've made it so easy for you to give into your desires of clicking and paying. It's so easy and guilt-free now and you have ME to thank for that. You are programmed to pay and you reap ALL the pleasurable benefits.
Satin Reward
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 18.02.2025 veröffentlichtThis video is a reward for a good boy. Bow down to my satin pussy and worship.
Du bist gefangen
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 16.02.2025 veröffentlichtEs gibt keinen Ausweg – egal wie sehr Sie es versuchen. Meine Kontrolle ist absolut und du bist in dieser Endlosschleife der Unterwerfung und des Verlangens, mehr zu senden, gefangen. Du wirst kämpfen, du wirst Widerstand leisten, aber das wird keine Rolle spielen. Du wirst immer zurückkommen und tiefer in meine Kraft fallen. Es gibt kein Entrinnen und tief in deinem Inneren weißt du, dass du es nicht willst.
Valentine Paypig Ripoff
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 15.02.2025 veröffentlichtYou’re nothing. Forgotten. Worthless.Paypig.So step up, pay, and let your Cash Goddess take everything you have. Because I always want more—and you’ll always give it.
Fall Deeper For Goddess Nika
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 14.02.2025 veröffentlichteginning your daily dosages of feeding your Love Addiction for Me. You are falling deeper and deeper for Goddess Nika... You cannot stop. You don't even want to.
Bezahlen Sie für das Privileg, meine Muschi anzubeten
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 14.02.2025 veröffentlichtJede Sekunde ist eine Erinnerung daran, dass Ihr Portemonnaie dazu da ist, mein Luxusleben zu befeuern, und die einzige Möglichkeit, meine Aufmerksamkeit zu gewinnen, besteht darin, für das Privileg zu bezahlen, meine Muschi anzubeten.
Sie exis****en, um den Verlierer zu bezahlen
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 14.02.2025 veröffentlichtDu exis****st nur, um den Verlierer zu bezahlen. Gehen Sie auf die Knie und geben Sie Ihr Portemonnaie ab. Zahlen Sie Sch****chen. Ich verdiene mehr.
Edge And Submit
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 13.02.2025 veröffentlichtGive in to your new addiction, goddess Nika. You will serve, you will obey. I will have you drooling on your knees for me and you will love every second of it.
Show Your Devotion
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 13.02.2025 veröffentlichtYou’re already hooked, already aching, already sinking deeper into the obsession you can’t escape. You don’t need a reason to pay—you need to obey. This is where you prove yourself. No reward, no satisfaction—just the pleasure of knowing you’ve given to the one who owns you.Pay.Show your devotion.
Obsessed With Me
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 13.02.2025 veröffentlichtMy pussy obsession is a deep, mesmerizing descent into total surrender. My voice seeps into your mind, rewiring your thoughts until I’m all you crave, all you need, all you obey. You can’t fight it and you don’t want to. The more you listen, the more you watch, the deeper I sink in, planting irresistible desires, making you weak, desperate, completely mine. There’s no escape now… just obsession, addiction, and submission.
Your Money Is Already Mine
- Amateur: panthergodess2 am 13.02.2025 veröffentlichtYour money is already Mine, so you might as well send. I want your money, and I deserve your money, so give it to Me. You can't argue with Me on this point, because you come back to Me again and again wanting to hear Me tell you how powerful I am, how magnificent I am. I am power, I am everything – so send. Send it all to Goddess Nika.